Day Sheets

  • État: Closed
  • Prix: $100
  • Propositions reçues: 4
  • Gagnant: evapavlova1979

Résumé du concours

Our small bicycle tour company gives our riders a packet which we call "Day Sheets". These sheets are just a description of the route with information. See attachment to see what we are currently using.
We created these day sheets a long time ago using MS Word and now want to update them so that the look and feel is more professional.
1. Each day = 1 page
2. Our logo on each page
3. A4 paper size
4. We will deliver to clients in PDF form, but final product must be editable so that are secretary can make small text changes if necessary

1. Information presented in a clear and way
2. Nice new icons

Contest winner will have possibility to use his/her winning template to create other packets for us.

Compétences recommandées

Commentaire de l'employeur

“Good work. Thanks. ”

Image de profil Garlicroast, Switzerland.

Tableau de clarification publique

  • MariusBC
    • il y a 11 ans

    Could you upload a better version of your logo. A higher resolution one, with transparency if you would. Thank you!

    • il y a 11 ans
    1. Garlicroast
      Titulaire du concours
      • il y a 11 ans

      Sure. Will do now.

      • il y a 11 ans

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