Social Media For Startups

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When you’re a new business starting out it’s important to make sure your social media messages are on point, and you’re engaging and retaining new customers through your social media platforms.

Social media content comes in all shapes and sizes, and the best way to engage and retain new customers with your social media accounts is to create content that is interesting and shareable.

Getting a reaction and creating content that targets what your audience is passionate about is key and if you want people to like your social media page and engage with it, there are a few simple ways to make it happen.

Here are our top tips for engaging and retaining new social media followers:

Create a contest - While you might think ‘been there done that’ the truth of the matter is, contents and challenges get noticed on social media. By using apps that act as content generators on Facebook, your business pages ca add in a content element to your social media posts and drive engagement with your follows, their friends and a wider audience.

Add some appealing visuals - Humans love visuals and to help get your message across it is important that you’re all in a wide variety of visual content such as video, imagery and anything ensure you can create to engage your audience. There are heaps of tools you can use, or you can employ a freelance graphic designer to help keep your posts on target with visuals and branding.

Offer something people can take away - Everyone loves a freebie, and your online social media audience is no different. Whether you provide a white paper, eBook, discount code, slide presentation, video or a tool of some sort you’re offering a takeaway which can engage and keep your audience on their toes and keen for more.

Engage with your influencers - Influencers are powerful marketing tools when it comes to social media and if you want to engage and build your audience and attract new customers using influencers is a great way to go about it. These days your audience are savvy creatures well aware of traditional marketing techniques and influencers are a cunning marketing ploy that works to add credibility to your information and the service or product you are offering. Sharing across social media networks such as Facebook and Instagram have huge potential and should be considered by startups looking to get a leg up on their social media competitors.

Have unique content that is unique from the rest - It’s important to share content that is not only unique but of interest to your audience. No one likes re-hashed content and having access to information that is current, on trend or ‘hot’ info is a great way to engage with your audience and retain customers looking to follow a business that is ahead of the game when it comes to information.

What Kind of Content Can be Shared on Your Social Media Page? 

Rather than sharing too much of the wrong things, ensuring you are focused on content that gets people to share, spread your message and gain greater reach is key.

There is nothing worse that viewing the same old salesy content day after day; your social media pages should be a vibrant mix of posts that build your community, engage your audience, promotional updates as well as general updates about the business. The aim of the game is to have a great mix of a variety of content to keep your audience coming back for more.

There are plenty of types of content that can be shared on social media including:

Tips and tricks - these style of posts add some conversation to your page and are aimed at making your customers, and followers lives just a little bit easier. Whether you are sharing website pages with tips on your on site, a blog or sharing info from other external sites that might resonate with your audience it’s a good type of content to share.

Trends and info on topical content - if you are in the business of being on the edge of cutting edge tech, clothing, beauty or any trendy thing in the online world, this type of content can be sharing info on topics that your audience would be interested in. This could be news, new releases in the industry, whatever you like and are posts that aim to show you are a great source of information.

Chats and asking opinion - these posts are a great way to engage with your audience, ask their opinion and get them to share their experiences. Opening yourself up your community is a great way to get them involved and show that you care about their thoughts and feedback.

General information about the business - these posts can be photos of the team at work, sharing new job postings, ‘a day in the life of’ style videos, anything that gives an insight into what happens behind the scenes at your business. Everyone loves a bird’s eye view and getting more info than the average Joe, and these posts are a great way to build awareness and get your followers interest in your business.

Jokes or humorous content - so long as it fits with your audience jokes and memes can be a great way to get in front of your audience and get them liking and sharing your content on your social media pages. Just make sure the jokes are offensive or crude and suit your audience, it can be a fine line so if you’re not sure it could be best to get a few people to make sure the joke is suitable before posting.

Is There Such a Thing as TOO Much Sharing on Social Media?

The short answer to this question is yes! While there is no best practice set in stone, it’s important to be aware of when you’re posting too much content on your social pages and what is the optimum amount.

The best way to know how often you should share or post is to dive into the analytics of your pages and get an idea of how long your users are engaging with your platform and how many shares you are getting.

The amount of times you can share really depends on a range of factors including your industry and what is going on in your business at that time.

For example, if you are launching your startup you’re going to have plenty to say, so it’s fairly acceptable to be posting a few times a day during the lead-up while once you have launched you might go back to posting once a day on Instagram and Facebook. It all comes down to the platform you’re using and finding out what your audience and customer base likes.

Above all, it’s important to be consistent on social media to ensure you are presenting consistently to your audience. Always make sure your logo is represented as per your brand guidelines or style guide, use the right fonts and colors and use the right tone and voice to suit your business.

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Publié 30 janvier, 2017

Ginger Ninjas

Copywriting + Business Plans + Marketing Strategy

Are you looking for talented marketing & business development support from people who understand marketing, sales and BDM? Ginger Ninjas is an Australian marketing agency that works with clients from all over the world with their marketing, strategy, business plans, design, copywriting, content, SEO, websites and communications. We have over 15 years experience in copywriting, developing marke...

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