Chinese Chess Master
Chinese Chess Master is the ultimate iPhone and iPod touch Chinese Chess board game. Chinese Chess Master uses pieces similar to those of International Chess. However, the variations in the pieces, their movements, and the board layout make Xiangqi an exciting and challenging alternative to its cousin. Chinese Chess Master is flexible for players at any level. From the avid Chinese Chess enthusiast to the humble beginner to the game, Chinese Chess Master will definitely bring hours of enjoyment for you on your iPhone! Features include: o The strongest Chinese Chess engine on the market at the moment o 7 levels of difficulty o 3 play modes : Computer-Human, Human-Com and Human-Human o Support new play mode: Human with Human via WIFI network. o Support Save/Load game o Posture and quick deal o Undo/show history o Support chess timer o Full undo-redo function with unlimited moves. o Option to shake phone to Flip board on Human-Human mode o Option to show legal moves etc...
Me concernant
- C/C++ expert. - xCode, Object C expert. - 6 years experience in developing mobile applications, especially iPhone/iPad, Android applications. - So many applications on iTunes Store and Android Markets.
$12 $ US / h