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Pra R.
Android, iOS, Flash, Flex, ActionScript Expert
$20 USD / Heure
India (8:24 PM)
Inscrit depuis le août 1, 2009
$20 USD / Heure
Having 9 years experience, Advanced Flash Action Scripting (OOP), Flash Game Development, Flex/AIR RIA, and Database/XML integration.
Expertise in Mobile apps development for Android and iOSnAn extensive knowledge in ActionScript 2.0/3.0, .NET, XML, ASP, PHP and MySQL.
Experienced in E-Learning projects ILT(Instructor Lead Trainer) and SCORM packaging for LSMs.
Developed educational and memory based Games.
Flash platform development, Flex development, Flash Media Server development, Red5
Experienced in Audio and Video Streaming with Flash and Flex.
o Android and iOS
o Adobe Flash 8, Flash CS3/CS5/CS5
o ActionScript 2.0, 3.0
o Adobe Flex 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 4.5
o Macromedia Dreamweaver
o Adobe PhotoShop
o Coding HTML, DHTML
o JavaScript
o ASP and VBScript
o Flash Integration with .NET, ASP, and PHP
o Multimedia Projects Development
o Online Game Development
o Flash Media Server
o Red5 Server
o Papervision 3D
I think Prarathore knew how to do what I wanted to do
I just felt that the communication could have been better.
Nice Guy would use again for some stuff
Excellent Provider, really professional and quick problem solver. He have excellent command on tools and delivered everything which we requested without hesitation.
We are ready to use him again for another project.
I am founder for ReadymadeFlash.com.
I am working for it to provide ready made flash products. I also provide the mobile apps.
e-learning mobile apps provider