Data entry

par freeinc121
Data entry

Data entry and mining according to the files relating url,mail and address. The project compromised of creating full worksheet with specific outputs. Column to rows and vice versa,getting rid of empty lines and conversion to other formats like cvs,xls. Offered affordable and competitive price.

image of username freeinc121 Flag of India kochi, India

Me concernant

Getting to utilise a freelancer's skills in a short time is essential for your project's interest, being an individual freelancer and not a company, I can assure my focus on your project fully, until you are satisfied. With all the latest technical and creative aspect's in mind, ensures you a quality work. Expert in WordPress theme development, plugins, converting HTML/CSS website to WordPress, SEO. I believe in providing a neat and simple code for web development and always keep myself updated to match with the latest coding standards available. Proficiency in PHP, MySQL, WordPress, SEO, LAMP. Valid HTML5, XHTML and CSS levels 2 and 3. I am easy to work with and always meet deadlines. Your business, my solutions. Get the best out of me.

$10 $ US / h

2 évaluations
