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How to Uninstall the Desktop App

To follow basic troubleshooting steps, you may need to uninstall the Desktop App depending on the error you encountered. Here's how to uninstall the Desktop App on the following operating systems.


1. Click Start.
2. Select Control Panel.
3. Follow the steps to uninstall the program.

1. Go to the Ubuntu Software Center.
2. Click the “Installed” tab and go to the Unknown app category.
3. Follow the steps to uninstall the program.

1. Go to the program menu.
2. Click Administration.
3. Click Software Manager.
4. Click Categories.
5. Search for the Freelancer Desktop App. Once shown, click Remove.
6. Follow the steps to uninstall the program.
Alternatively, use the hardcore Linux way through a command line:
# dpkg -r freelancer-desktop-app
Then delete the configuration package for the app:
# rm -rf .freelancer-desktop-app
Use the command line:
# yum remove freelancer-desktop-app
Mac OS
1. Open Finder.
2. Go to Applications.
3. Click the Freelancer Desktop App and drag it to the TRASH icon of the desktop interface.

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