Want to Be a Successful Entrepreneur? Then You Should Probably Read These 4 Books.
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Otsin Eestist pärit ning Eestis arveid esitavat freelancer’it, kes looks WordPressi pistikprogrammi sõidueksamite testide jaoks. Mul on API juba olemas. Pistikprogramm peaks võimaldama kuvada õppuri statistikat, sooritada teste ja lugeda õppematerjale (kogu sisu tuleb API kaudu). Antud eelarve kehtib esialgu ainult konsultatsioonile projekti teostamise osas. Seejärel peaks sama isik esitama mulle laiendatud ja detailse hinnapakkumise.
I will write a professional resume for Ding Ning. Revisions included
...note, we will need to see previous similar projects as part of your application. Few services we sent out recently: Estonian language: Veebi ja IT probleeme onlines lahendame 50 eur/h. Kohapeal 80 eur/h. Veebi tehniliste probleemide lahendamine võtab üldiselt aega 1-3h. Wordpress uuendused 1-2h. SEO teenus on kuutasupõhine alates 300 eur kuu ja minimaalselt soovitame 3 kuud. Lihtsa veebilehe ning e-poe ehitus on alates 2500 eur. AI-ga veebilehti me ise klientidele ei tee, küll aga pakume konsultatsiooni kuidas teha 80 eur/h. Meie reageerimisaeg on üldiselt 2-48h ja lahendus olenevalt problemist 2h või kui vajab rohkem süvenemist kuni 2-3 nd. Kodulehe haldus „Standard pakett“( 25 eur /kuu). Kodulehe haldus „Premi...
Otsin SEO copywriterit, kes on spetsialiseerunud Eesti kasiinode ja spordikihlvedudega seotud sisu loomisele. See projekt on olemasolevale ettevõttele ja mul on vaja, et iga sisu oleks üle 1000 sõna. Tasu on 0,015 eurot sõna kohta ja sõnade arv on 10.000-15.000 sõna nädalas. Samuti peab see inimene sisu wordpress...Sujuv eesti keele oskus ja põhjalikud teadmised kasiinode ja spordikihlvedude valdkonnast. - Tõendatud kogemus SEO-sisu kirjutamisel, mis tekitab orgaanilist liiklust. - Tugevad uurimisoskused asjakohaste märksõnade ja fraaside tuvastamiseks. - Oskus luua kaasahaaravat ja informatiivset sisu, mis kõnetab meie sihtrühma. Kui olete kirglik kasiinode ja spordikihlvedude teemadel kirjutamise vastu ...
My project involves building a social website on the Ning platform. I need a developer with experience working on this platform to bring my site to life, complete with the necessary special features I have in mind. I have specific design elements that must be incorporated into the website and I'm looking for someone with the skill and experience to make it happen. The project will require a great deal of creativity and the developer must be up for the challenge!
Otsime kogenud tekstikirjutajat, kellel on suurepärased projektijuhtimise oskused, et toetada meie tiimi B2B müügikirjade loomisel. Sul on võimalik: - osaleda kliendi DNA kaardistamises, et määratleda iga projekti tekstikirjutamise vajadused - meie tehisintellekti tööriistu kasutades luua alustekste - toimetada AI ja alltöövõtjate loodud alustekste - juhtida te...teie Tervitame initsiatiivikat, suurepärase suhtlemisoskusega, ladusa eesti, inglise ja soovitavalt soome keele kõne- ja kirjaoskusega inimest. Sobid ideallselt, kui saad järgmise 3–6 kuu jooksul panustada 100+ tundi või soovi korral täiskohaga. Meie juurest leiad põnevad väljakutsed kasvule orienteeritud ettevõttes,...
Hi Ning Z., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.
Hi Ning Z., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my have Chinese to English translation task. We can discuss any details over chat.
Hi Ning Z., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.
Seoses tegevuse laienemisega otsime Eestis asuvasse meeskonda vabakutselisi artiste. Teil on vaja oskust joonistada 10 minutiga kiireid šarže ja käsitsi joonistatud karikatuure. Fotod on lisatud. В связи с расширением деятельности ищем в команду с местом нахождения в Эстонии свободных художников. Нужны умения рисовать быстрые шаржи за 10 минут и рисованные от руки карикатуры. Фотографии прилагаются.
Hi, I need to get 2-3 pages and a header and footer designed for my Ning website www.cxoclub.ning.com. Regards, Hari Rastogi
Entwicklung und Betreuung einer NING Community Plattform. Komplett "White Label" ohne irgendwo die Nennung von NING und mit der komplett eigenen Domain Die komplette Seite/Plattform in eigenem Design mit eigenen Farben und Schriften. Landingpage (grafisch und textlich von Marketingagentur vorgegeben) mit Präsentation/Spirit/Regeln & AGB & FAQ Bewerbungsformular Landingpage zum ausfüllen (Automatische Auswertung, ob jemand aufgenommen, abgelehnt oder ihm die Warteliste angeboten wird - Parameter werden geliefert) Nach der automatischen Auswertung, direkt auf der Landingpage: Annahme oder Ablehnung oder Wartelistenangebot - Text wird geliefert (Diese Auswertung mit internem Tracking) Bei Annahme ein Beitrittsangebot mit vom Bewerbungsformular ü...
We are pla ning to post first youtube video need to make some tag and video with voiceover and upload quality video 10 video per month video
Hi Jing Ning T., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.
We are sporting goods company. Website - We want to get badminton shoe manufactered in our brand Prokick. You can check popular brands like yonex / li-ning badminton shoe for reference. The quantity will be 2000 per design.
I am looking to rebrand my company and consolidate our websites. I would like for our Ning site to be redone and incorporate some of the elements from out other sites.
Hi Jing Ning T., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.
Hi Ning B., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.
Hi Ning W., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.
I am interested in building a Ning social network.
I need someone to write me a Java class that sends a varying number (approximately 500-700) of HTTP GET requests concurrently, as robustly and fast as possible. Then, it should provide me a way to parse the JSON response (no need to do this, I already have the methods written for that). I have tried using the java 11 HttpClient class, however, it seemed to be slow and unreli...500-700) of HTTP GET requests concurrently, as robustly and fast as possible. Then, it should provide me a way to parse the JSON response (no need to do this, I already have the methods written for that). I have tried using the java 11 HttpClient class, however, it seemed to be slow and unreliable at times. A possible solution could be to use the Async Http Client, available at:
I am looking for an experienced Ning developer to build a blog with automatically generated articles pulling data from backend with comments and poll blocks. Backend experience is not necessary, but could be advantageous.
I need a website with various features to be built on Ning 3.0 platform.
Hi My name is ning !! I am from in indonesia. I Suggest for you .Do you need indonesia language for translate plis.
Remember Our Sisters Everywhere is an advocacy project dedicated to the prevention of violence against women. It's been around maybe 10 years or so. I'm responsible for it but not a web person. We're part of a charity. Ning is changing. I had a bug that Ning has just emailed/advised me has been repaired. However, the appearance of the website still looks messed up (I'm on a PC). I'd like to hire someone to fix it and make the old design work again. Can you help me?
I have a ning platform that I use to secure the profiles and information of my talent. Right now there are a little over 500 profiles on this platform. It needs to be updated, changed and some things it is enabling me to do I do not understand. I need someone who can do the designing changes, and other informational changes as well and the updating. You can go to It is a christian entertainment business.
Need someone asap who can show social networks with Ning. Only if you have examples or I report you!
Hi Ke Ning N., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.
Buscamos a alguien, con experiencia demostrable en la plataforma NING, para que nos cree una Red Social empresarial en dicha plataforma. Las secciones/pestañas que debería tener la red, son las siguientes: Home Planes Agenda Foros Formación Servicios con descuento Market Place Recursos Financiación e Inversión Eventos Blog Requisitos: - Experiencia en NING: Se solicitará trabajos anteriores en Ning y se verificarán. - Ser Hispano hablante
Hi Ke Ning N., I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.
Let me begin with a claim that must sound astonishing to many ears, John Robert Keller’s assert...cri- tique alleges, is not as responsive as he might be to the precondi- tions under which an event and its truth procedure might occur. An event is always a rare, aleatory occurrence, but the challenge posed by this critique is whether we can think a situation’s own implication in an event—that is, whether any of its local aspects or historical features can colour or play a more or less defi ning role in the way, or even if, the event occurs. Recent cases in point include Sam Gillespie’s persuasive call for the need to identify the aff ect that ‘grips’ the subject in the truth operation that makes it suscep- tible to and capable of recognizing...
I have a Social Network Platform idea. It has great potential. We have to determine if your technology and solutions completely support my idea. Are you (the programmer) an expert with Ning, Drupal, Ruby on Rails, Joomla, or .Net? The foundation of my Social Network Platform must include functionalities like activity streams, RSS feed, status update capabilities, (it must be a mainstream aspect, limited to 200 characters), comment adding options on the status updates, quality viewing data options, etc.
O projeto gráfico está pronto (em Wordpress), mas a plataforma ideal para gestão de comunidades é a Ning. Preciso migrar.
NING Research is an engineering consulting firm based in Singapore with specialization in numerical modelling and simulation. We have a potential project related to commuter flow modelling that requires additional support traffic modeller/engineer preferably with at least 5 years experience. Able to share relevant project portfolios and experience with PTV Viswalk. Company website:
Hi Mario, I was referred to you by someone with the same Ning 2 platform that I have. He said you did some work for him. I'm looking to make my Ning 2 site responsive like his: My site is It had a script to make it responsive at one time but the author had the script hosted on his own and is no longer around nor hosting. Is this something you can help with? Thanks! -Scott Bishop
We have recently launched a private social networking site on , and we’d really like to be able to get more info on how and which people are using it. I’ve set up Google Analytics but this doesn’t go into enough granular detail. Specifically, it would be really useful to know how much people are using the private messaging function and who is messaging who. Ning have informed us that this can be done through additional customised coding on Google Analytics, but advised for us to use a freelancer to set this up.
We are launching a health/fitness/survival digital magazine. We want every subscriber to also belong to our own Social Network created through Ning. We need someone with Ning expertise to help us build the network.
Exercise: Choose a photo(Foto1 - Foto5). Similarly to the Sample1 your goal is create a black-white image where you have 26 vertical sectors as you can see on Sample2. After doing that you need to create a vector-file (ideally a PDF) as you can see on Sample3. You need to create vector-files in 3 different sizes (Sample 4 red box): Scale 1:1...1:1, where each vertical sektor is 11mm wide Scale 1:1, where each vertical sector is 9mm wide Scale 1:1, where each vertical sector is 7mm wide Each sector has to be minimum 3mm wide (Sample 4 yellow box) In summary: We need to get 4 files: black-white image 3 vector-files As with this project we are trying to find a long-term partner, then please explain how did you do each thing step-by-step ning how much time did it take you to create...
In this paper we the behaviour (processes) of reaction systems where the context is not arbitrary, but it has its own structure. In particular, we consider a model where the context for a reaction system originates from a network of reaction systems. Such a network is formalised as a graph with reaction systems residing at its nodes, where each reaction system contributes to dening the context of all its neighbours. This paper pro- vides a framework for investigating the behaviour of reaction systems receiving contexts from networks of reaction systems, provides a characterisation of their state sequences, and considers dierent topologies of context networks.
In this paper we the behaviour (processes) of reaction systems where the context is not arbitrary, but it has its own structure. In particular, we consider a model where the context for a reaction system originates from a network of reaction systems. Such a network is formalised as a graph with reaction systems residing at its nodes, where each reaction system contributes to dening the context of all its neighbours. This paper pro- vides a framework for investigating the behaviour of reaction systems receiving contexts from networks of reaction systems, provides a characterisation of their state sequences, and considers dierent topologies of context networks.
In this paper we the behaviour (processes) of reaction systems where the context is not arbitrary, but it has its own structure. In particular, we consider a model where the context for a reaction system originates from a network of reaction systems. Such a network is formalised as a graph with reaction systems residing at its nodes, where each reaction system contributes to dening the context of all its neighbours. This paper pro- vides a framework for investigating the behaviour of reaction systems receiving contexts from networks of reaction systems, provides a characterisation of their state sequences, and considers dierent topologies of context networks.
In this paper we study the behaviour (processes) of reaction systems where the context is not arbitrary, but it has its own structure. In particular, we consider a model where the context for a reaction system originates from a network of reaction systems. Such a network is formalised as a graph with reaction systems residing at its nodes, where each reaction system contributes to dening the context of all its neighbours. This paper pro- vides a framework for investigating the behaviour of reaction systems receiving contexts from networks of reaction systems, provides a characterisation of their state sequences, and considers dierent topologies of context networks.
In this paper we study the behaviour (processes) of reaction systems where the context is not arbitrary, but it has its own structure. In particular, we consider a model where the context for a reaction system originates from a network of reaction systems. Such a network is formalised as a graph with reaction systems residing at its nodes, where each reaction system contributes to dening the context of all its neighbours. This paper pro- vides a framework for investigating the behaviour of reaction systems receiving contexts from networks of reaction systems, provides a characterisation of their state sequences, and considers dierent topologies of context networks.
In this paper we study the behaviour (processes) of reaction systems where the context is not arbitrary, but it has its own structure. In particular, we consider a model where the context for a reaction system originates from a network of reaction systems. Such a network is formalised as a graph with reaction systems residing at its nodes, where each reaction system contributes to dening the context of all its neighbours. This paper pro- vides a framework for investigating the behaviour of reaction systems receiving contexts from networks of reaction systems, provides a characterisation of their state sequences, and considers dierent topologies of context networks.
I want to design a fully functional private social media website for a small community to share agendas, projects, networking, resources etc... It will have a leisure component as well as a market component The goal is to have premium contentthat a Paid subscription (maintenance fees for the website paid) can be achieved
Hi Ning L., I'm looking for a local Chinese guy to support me in sourcing electric devices. Find suppliers, check their documents, find the best product etc... Do you think you can help me?
i need to export my ning network and maybe import into wordpress joomla or any opensource cms etc i need to know anyone who can do this thanks
I'm trying to create a custom social network to unite people of various faiths to discover themselves on an inner level. essentially, a community created for conscious living and connecting soul mates online. I have contacts in a .csv file that are profiles of communities created before on a software called Ning that used to house excellent forums and the ability to view media like music, photos, videos, petitions, quizzes, and customized profiles. along with groups, events, poles and other things you'd likely find in platforms like PHPFox, Dolphin, Social engine and other Model view controler PHP templates. What I also would like to do, is see if an earlier export of code used to originally create this project idea can be salvaged as I'd like to run a localized insta...
Hi marioada, I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat. I heard about you through Ning and it is a Ning related project I'd like your expertise with if at all possible. Back in early 2008, Ning used to offer its source code for free to anyone who wants it. I have a copy of sorts, and published it on git Hub so you can check it out. I want to localize an instance of it for a spiritual group I wish to create, and I wonder if you can help. If you want to make any changes to it, here's the git Hub access details. username sourceminded@ password Universe12 I was wondering if this code could be salvageable on a dedicated server and brought up to modern standards adding more features on a localized
Get ready for a dose of motivation.