List bapi structures abapemplois
Bonjour, Nous sommes basé en Afrique du sud, et aimerions développé une plate forme de vote en ligne sur base de listes et de sujets. Vous pouvez en voir la copie conforme ici: Si posible en Worpdress. Hello, we're looking for online ranking and list web platform. Just check
je peux dessiner tout les types des plans architectures et structures plus vite et plus qualite et bon prix.
...garantie de publication pour les profils ci-après : -FNEM « Fédération Nationale du e-commerce au Maroc » : -Made in Morocco « un site web e-commerce, le plus grand en Afrique » -El Amine SERHANI « Président de la FNEM et Made in Morocco » Ensuite, je suis en mesure de remettre le texte en trois langues et les visuels qui vont avec sur la base d’un canevas ou un cadrage en terme de volume et structures des texte. Dans l’attente d’une offre encourageante, je vous souhaite une bonne réception. NB : -Chaque profil dispose au moins de trois cent articles chacun et une trentaine de passages radios et Télé. -Prière de me communiquer les délais maximums de...
Hello, I need a list of Emails for Most Craftsman in France (in all domains). Bonjour, Je veux avoir une liste d'emails avec tous les Artisans en France (toutes les domaines)
Je cherche dans les pays de l'est (roumanie, pologne, Ukraine...) ou Portugal, grèce... Pour fabriquer des structures d'escalier en métal soudé à produire toute l'année sur plan réalisé par nos soins.
Complete these files: Prelytix_ServerTech_TargetAccounts_January Targets (eighth batch)' ' ' ' Prelytix_ServerTech_TargetAccounts_JanuaryTargets_International_(seventh_ninth batch)' Prelytix_ServerTech_TargetAccounts_JanuaryTargets_Domestic_(seventh_ninth batch)' ' ' ' ' LSC_Optum_PrivateCo_TargetAcctList_030515 ' Preltyix_Rolta_AdviceX_ICE_Retail_TargetAcctList_030615
...Expérience de 5 ans minimum en pilotage de projets indispensable notamment avec des équipes de développements distantes Expérience en développements Open (JAVA/J2EE, …) indispensable. Activités Gestion de projets : - La personne sera responsable de l'ensemble du projet en s'appuyant sur des ressources de type Business Analyst et Technical Analyst - La personne mettra en place et animera les structures de gestion de projet - Elle coordonnera et animera l’équipe dédiée au projet - Elle définira le planning du projet, suivra son avancement et produira le reporting associé - Elle présentera l'avancement au métier (local et/ou groupe) et animation des comi...
description du projet j aimerais entrer en contact avec des entreprises pouvant me confier la rédaction des rapports ou recommandations des réunions de leurs structures pour leur rendre ce service et gagner de l argent en retour salutation et remerciements
...Fondation d’un club technologique d’informatisation (CTI). Environ plus de 500 000 élèves guinéens par ans, évoluant dans les établissements scolaire sont gères par un système archaïque de paperasse révolue et presque, la quasie totalité des structures ( éducatives, sanitaires , commerciales, et autres ) sont traitées de la même manière de gérance, et restent le plus souvent enclaver. Le projet CTI (Club technologique d’informatisation) vise à mettre en place un cercle d’informaticiens qualifiés pour servir à l’informatisation de toutes les structures (éducative, sanitaires, commerciales , et autres) de la guin...
Je recherche un freelance, indépendant ou CDD pour mission de 3 à 12 mois basée en banlieue parisienne. MISSION CHEZ LE CLIENT DONC PAS DE TELETRAVAIL PO...quotidien aux utilisateurs avec appui des prestataires (TMA et EDI) - Exploitation des interfaces quotidiennes et mensuelles (cloture mensuelle comptable etc...) - Gestion des demandes de modification et d'évolution : analyse, rédaction CdC, suivi des dev et des tests - Alimentation d'une base de connaissance sur le périmètre SAP - Utilisation de l'outil de gestion des incidents Connaissances : ABAP et IDOC Unix EDI (GS1) Anglais écrit et parlé SAP: SD/MM/FI/CO Vous seriez rattaché au responsable d'exploitation et maintenance...
Dessinateur Projeteur: -CAO: conception et études des structures, étude béton armée et VRD (voiries et réseaux divers), -DAO: réalisation des plans des coffrages des bâtiments et ouvrages d'arts, réalisation des profils en long et des profils en travers de projets de terrassement et lotissement,
Structure à fort potentiel, cherche développeur(s) web pour intervenir et faire évol...développeur(s) web pour intervenir et faire évoluer notre site e-commerce. Technologie, Framework Symfony en PHP MySQL, développement sur mesure. Le site est déployé et en activité. Notre besoin est la reprise de certaines fonctionnalités, de l’ergonomie, et la prise en charge les développements et évolutions. Nous estimons notre besoin à un temps partiel, acceptons offres de freelances ou structures établies, proximité souhaitée. Notre exigence : l’expérience, la compétence, la conscience professionnelle et l’implication pour la bonne compr&ea...
As discussed. As discussed. As discussed. As discussed. As discussed. As discussed. As discussed. As discussed.
Bonjour, En faite j'ai un projet sur les listes chainées. Si ça t’intéresse tu peux me passer ton adresse émail pour que je t’envoie le document complet. Merci
Bonjour, En faite j'ai un projet sur les listes chainées. Si ça t’intéresse tu peux me passer ton adresse émail pour que je t’envoie le document complet. Merci
Bonjour, En faite j'ai un projet sur les listes chainées. Si ça t’intéresse tu peux me passer ton adresse émail pour que je t’envoie le document complet. Merci
Créer une liste de clients potetiels Envoyer des courriels aux différents clients potentiels. Faire le suivis Travailler a l'atteinte d'une meilleure conversion. Produits vendues: Marketing Web Création de sites Web Infographie et design Web Compagnie Montréalaise sérieuse en pleine croissance - recherche contrat a long terme. 15 heures/semaine - possibilité 40h-60h/semaine si la personne livre des résultats. Nous avons un contenu de vente (vidéos, et contenu marketing pour facilité l'approche.)
- Études et installations relatives aux disciplines suivantes : - Tuyauterie & Installation Générale - Génie Civil Industriel - Charpente Métallique - Calcul des structures. - Supervision et suivi des travaux
...erreur" Développement : PHP & MYSQL OU NODEJS Prestataire qui propose le même service : - site : - wiki : --------------------------------------------------------------- EN ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, Development of a script that checked the validity of a list email address. Verification settings: - Checking syntax [IETF / RFC] - Validation & DNS MX - Information disposable e-mail address - SMTP connection and check availability - Detection of temporary unavailability - Existence of mailboxes [* name] @ - Catch-All Check - Information [greylisting, whitelisting, blacklisting] - Remove duplicate Import & Export CSV, TXT FILTER Il s'agit de réaliser le logo pour le futur site "". Ainsi qu'une ou deux slides en vue d'une intégration dans un carrousel. Objectif du site : Création de site web et accompagnement web marketing (SEO, SEA, etc). Bénéfices principaux : Proximité, flexibilité, moins cher qu’une agence. Cible visée : J’ai pour objectif de proposer une alternative aux petites structures (petites pme et tpe, indépendants, commerçants, artisans etc). Leur rendre l’accès au monde du web et surtout la compréhension plus transparente. Je souhaite faire sentir une certaine proximité, faire comprendre que je suis une solution à taille humaine pour...
...les avantages d'une syntaxe plus expressive et de la portabilité du code source. Le langage C a été inventé pour écrire le système d'exploitation UNIX, et reste utilisé pour la programmation système. Ainsi le noyau de grands systèmes d'exploitation comme Windows et Linux sont développés en grande partie en C. En contrepartie, la mise au point de programmes en C, surtout s'ils utilisent des structures de données complexes, est plus difficile qu'avec des langages de plus haut niveau. En effet, dans un souci de performance, le langage C impose à l'utilisateur de programmer certains traitements (libération de la mémoire, vérification de la v...
As discussed.
Je suis à la recherche d'une grande liste de diffusion ou mise à jour d'escorte base de données d'e-mails. liste afin qu'elles puissent être vérifiées. Merci. Les travaux futurs seront donnée à celui qui est choisi. Un grand nombre de travaux futurs! I am looking for an large updated escort mailing list or database of emails. Emails must be from french escorts, updated recently and currently active. These will be checked and verified so if they fail to meet any of these criterias negative feedback will be given and further actions will be taken. Please pm me with 10 emails of the list so these can be verified. Thank you. Future work will be given to ...
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As per our conversation, $500 for the first list, more to come The next job will follow within 24 hours after completion if all goes well
I'm seeking a skilled designer/engineer for a cost-effective, innovative wooden trellis system for growing grapes over an evergreen shrub. The design should utilize boards and PVC pipe in a creative way, steering clear of conventional approa...growing. - Use of board as the primary material. - Creative thinking and problem-solving skills. - Ability to design with cost-effectiveness in mind. - Skills in visual representation and design software. The ideal freelancer for this project will have a background in graphic design, horticultural engineering or landscape design, with a proven track record of creating innovative, functional structures. The goal is to have a trellis that not only serves its purpose, but is also aesthetically pleasing and blends seamlessly into the surroun...
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Seeking an experienced data scraper to gather contact details from housing providers and real estate companies in New Zealand. The project involves extracting names, emails, phone numbers, and addresses for up to 100 entries. Requirements: Proven experience in web scraping Familiarity with New Zealand real estate websites Knowledge of data privacy regulations Ability to provide structured, accurate data If you're skilled at sourcing high-quality, relevant contact information, please apply!
I have a FileMaker Pro v16 application that is a CRM and Scheduling system. I have clients in 2 different locations for which there are 2 separate database structures, "'LC" and "LCin". the "LC" database has the functionality to email client schedules in a pdf document. This project is to duplicate the functionality in the other client database, structure - the LCin database. (I have tried to duplicate the functionality in the LCin database, but I am giving up - I am an extreme novice with FileMaker.) To complete the project, I can send all the files or have you login through Teamviewer or AeroAdmin to see current working functionality in LC and the current status of LCin. If there's a way to do this offline and then add necessary com...
I'm looking for a skilled CAD/CAM designer who can help me create detailed 3D images of a new shoe product. These images will primarily be used for prototyping the shoe for manufacturing. Key Requirements: - Designing 3D images that accurately reflect the detailed internal structure of th...prototyping the shoe for manufacturing. Key Requirements: - Designing 3D images that accurately reflect the detailed internal structure of the shoe. - Incorporating material textures and colors into the 3D images. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in CAD/CAM software. - Previous experience in designing for consumer footwear is a plus. - Strong attention to detail and ability to visualize complex internal structures. Your expertise will be pivotal in making this project a success. I look forwa...
I'm looking for a skilled solar architect to design a solar system for my detached garage, which will primarily...electric outlets and lighting throughout the space. - A portion of the design should consider the energy needs of typical workshop tools and machines. - Using a Anker F3800 solar Generator with expansion battery, 6 Hyundai His-s410YH (BK) solar panels - Prefer roof mount but it can be ground mounted. Ideal skills and experience: - Proven experience in solar architecture, particularly for detached structures. - Strong understanding of energy requirements for workshop setups. - Ability to design for future scalability and tool additions. - Construction Documents must be by stamped and signed by a New York State Registered Architect or New York State Licensed Profes...
...Detailed usage instructions, covering: • How to set up and run the script. • How to specify the time range and site map URL. • Optional configuration settings. • Troubleshooting guide for common errors. 5. Code Quality: • The code should be clean, modular, and well-commented, adhering to Python best practices and the PEP8 coding standard. • Use meaningful variable names and clear function structures. Technical Requirements 1. Programming Language: Python (Latest stable version). 2. Libraries: • Suggested libraries include BeautifulSoup, requests, lxml, and python-docx. • The developer can recommend additional libraries as needed, but must document their usage in a file. 3. Environment Compatibility: The script should be compa...
I own a medium-sized tent, primarily used for event hosting. This tent is up to 40x40 feet in size. I need a qualified professional to inspect this temporary, permitted structure for structural integrity. Ideal candidates would have: - Experience in inspecting structural integrity of temporary structures, particularly tents. - Relevant certifications in structural engineering or safety inspection. - Ability to provide a detailed report on the tent's condition and any necessary repairs or improvements.
I need a PHP script that converts a simple nested structure JSON data into XML. The script should handle all fields and nested fields as required. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficient in PHP programming - Experienced in working with JSON and XML data formats - Understanding of nested structures in data - Able to develop a script that is efficient and handles all fields correctly. Please note, I have not yet defined a specific schema for the XML output, so the conversion will need to be done as is.
I have an existing commercial building that requires structural certification. The focus will primarily be on the load-bearing walls and the roof structure. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Extensive knowledge and experience in structural engineering - Familiarity with commercial building standards and existing commercial building that requires structural certification. The focus will primarily be on the load-bearing walls and the roof structure. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Extensive knowledge and experience in structural engineering - Familiarity with commercial building standards and regulations - Certification capacity - Previous work with load-bearing walls and roof structures - Able to conduct thorough inspections and provide accura...
I'd like a website that lists a lot of contests, found on other sites (a contest is just a form they must enter in order to enter a contest). There are only 3 pages on this site: 1. the list of contests, that is found on the home page. There will be a short text above the contests list, and some dropdowns to filter the list of contests (like the country where they must be located to enter it). For each sweepstake there will be a description, a list of restrictions (like how old you must be, or what country you have to be from) and a link taking the user to it. All that data will be loaded from a MySQL database. 2. The contact page, which will be standard: some fields for the name, e-mail address, message and a captcha. 3. "About this website", whi...
...vacuum furnaces and atomic-scale 3D printers. Space Biology Lab: 250 m², for bioengineering under zero-G, equipped with gene-editing stations. Fluid Physics Lab: 250 m², including cryogenic fluid simulators. General Purpose Lab: 250 m², adaptable for various research needs. Gravity Ring Labs: 500 m² per ring, with partial gravity simulations for terrestrial-like experimentation. Materials: Lab Structures: Stainless Steel 316L with self-healing nanocoatings. Workbenches: Polyethylene High-Density (PEHD) with integrated magnetic storage for tools. Views: Top View: Rectangular modular layout with clear divisions and optimized for equipment flow. Side View: Single-story structure with 4m height; observation windows coated with smart glass for dynamic light adju...
I'm in need of a 2D AutoCAD draftsman focused on structural details of single-family residential buildings. Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in AutoCAD - Experienced in drafting for residential structures - Capable of creating detailed structural designs - Looking for a side income opportunity
I'm looking for a freelancer to compile a list of family offices in Australia, specifically focusing on investment managers. The list should include 20-50 entries, containing names, contact phone numbers, and email addresses. Key details: - Primary source for information should be official websites, rather than online directories or social media platforms. - The finalized list needs to be delivered in an Excel spreadsheet. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proficiency in data gathering from official websites. - Experience with creating and organizing data in Excel. - A keen attention to detail, ensuring all information is accurate and up-to-date.
I'm in need of an experienced Architectural Draftsman to assist with continuous projects involving residential buildings. The scope of work includes creating standard detailed drawings for floor plans, elevations and sections, as well as detail drawings, MEP, and structures. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in creating standard detailed architectural drawings - Experience in residential building projects - Knowledgeable in MEP (Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing) and structural design - Familiar with using architectural drafting software: ARCHICAD a must, Sketchup , Autocad - Ability to work on project continuity
I need a freelancer experienced in web development to create a simple and clean web page featuring a list of electronic products. Key Requirements: - Create a straightforward and uncluttered design - Populate the page with a variety of electronic products - Ensure the page is user-friendly and easy to navigate Ideal Skills: - Web development and design - Understanding of electronics products - Experience in creating product list web pages
...industry-standard expense ratios for similar contractor GL programs or make reasonable estimates based on known overhead costs in the artisan contractor insurance sector. 7. Reinsurance and Retention Structures: • Primary Approach: Utilize loss history data to determine optimal retention levels and reinsurance layers for the program. • Alternative Approach: If loss data is insufficient for modeling reinsurance structures, consider using stochastic simulations or industry-standard retention and reinsurance guidelines for small-to-medium-sized contractor GL programs to propose appropriate reinsurance and retention structures. 8. Catastrophe Exposure and Large Loss Adjustments: • Primary Approach: Incorporate any available large loss data and catast...
I'm in the process of rebuilding the transom of my 1999 Crestliner 2050. The...The project entails upgrading from a 20 inch, 200 HP setup to a 25 inch, 250 HP one. In this endeavor, I am adding aluminum weldments to elevate the transom braces to the stringers. My goal is to enhance the NMMA rating to accommodate a 250 HP engine. Key Requirements: - Brushed finish on all welded aluminum parts - Expertise in custom modifications to transoms - Experience in reinforcing boat structures to increase horsepower ratings The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong background in marine engineering, specifically with aluminum boats, and a proven track record of custom transom modifications. Your expertise will help ensure the transom is both robust and reliable for the in...