30-second videos of how you will use iBot

  • État: Closed
  • Prix: $100
  • Propositions reçues: 6

Résumé du concours

Do take a look at the following presentation:


iBot, our product, is a piece of technology which can connect the real world and the digital world. iBot is made up of what we call Bees (similar to actual bees, our Bees can connect real-world elements like being able to sense temperature, humidity, pressure, light, sound, open/close - you can take a look at the set of sensors at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0Ar_2ip83prNLdDRlXzM4WTZhdFRzcU52aURHUklaRFE&output=html), Bots (these devices connect bees to the cloud) and the HIVE (a cloud facility to manage your bots and bees).

What we are looking for are crisp 30-second video submissions of "I would use iBot for __________". We are fine with simple iPhone captured video as long as there's no clutter of audio or video.

Your submission will deem you to accept the terms attached here.

Compétences recommandées

Tableau de clarification publique

  • ibotcontrols
    Titulaire du concours
    • il y a 10 ans

    Come on community! Lets see some ideas! $100 is a good weekend's purse!

    • il y a 10 ans
  • AllEsha
    • il y a 10 ans

    I will submit my entry ASAP..

    • il y a 10 ans
  • theteentech
    • il y a 10 ans

    I would love to do a review of this product on my YouTube channel. What is the possibility this can happen?

    • il y a 10 ans

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