Freelancer : chathusrilanka
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Json to Word Converter

I've almost done with coding of your requirement. I've included a video demo that shows the functionality of my code. This demo shows the functionality of the basic requirement only, Currently I am working on the Bonus requirement and one known issue. I'll share the GIT repository on BitBucket once I am done with them. Here is the Demo : Please rate the Contest Entry once you watch the demo so I know that whether you are happy or not with the solution. Thanks, Regards, Chathuranga

Proposition n°4 du concours                                                 Develop a Microsoft Word Add-In
Proposition n°4

Tableau de clarification publique

  • chathusrilanka
    • il y a 10 ans

    Hi, I've implemented the bonus requirement and changed the behaviour to paste the Key when the value is dragged. Here is the new Demo :

    • il y a 10 ans
    1. ervines
      Titulaire du concours
      • il y a 10 ans

      Let me know when you've uploaded a zip / provided access to the bitbucket repo (my username is 'ervines' on bitbucket), and we can complete the transfer. Cheers!

      • il y a 10 ans
    2. chathusrilanka
      • il y a 10 ans

      Hi, I uploaded the source to BitBucket and provided access to the repository. The repository URL is

      • il y a 10 ans
  • ervines
    Titulaire du concours
    • il y a 10 ans

    Hey - this looks pretty close, the only thing was I actually wanted to drop the json key into the word doc, not the json value - is this an easy change?

    • il y a 10 ans
    1. chathusrilanka
      • il y a 10 ans

      I think the answer is yes :-)

      • il y a 10 ans
    2. chathusrilanka
      • il y a 10 ans

      With the same code you can drag either the key or the value. Sorry I missed this point earlier. I've created a new demo video and it should explain the function. If you want to insert the Key regardless the key or the value is dragged please let me know.

      • il y a 10 ans

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