Design a Website Mockup for an articles website

  • État: Closed
  • Prix: $200
  • Propositions reçues: 15
  • Gagnant: edbryan

Résumé du concours

We need a mockup design for an arabic articles website that deals with local issues, which is NOT a news website .
since it's an arabic website the design needs to be RTL .

we need a front page design , inner page and a category page design as well.

you can find the general structure of the design we need in the attached image as well as logo .

The front page needs to contain all elements of that structure, including 7 blocks in the top Navigation bar , main categories list on the right side with hidden horizontal lists for the subcategories , as will as a sign in field ( including signing in with both Face-book and twitter).

As you can see in the image , there should be a section for last posts , and of course a section for categories' content .

We're looking for a clear , neat and modern design that needs to be welcoming , include teasing and inviting elements for anyone to write .
you can use some comic for that , yet be please innovative :)

Compétences recommandées

Commentaire de l'employeur

“so creative , so perfect and so genuine ... one of the best persons we\'ve got to work with and ever will . ”

Image de profil newforex, Israel.

Tableau de clarification publique

  • mohamadelbialy
    • il y a 11 ans


    • il y a 11 ans
  • priyakkl
    • il y a 11 ans

    OMG... at the last moment wen I was uploading, the contest was over... is there by any chance extending the contest? Thanks.

    • il y a 11 ans
  • mohamadelbialy
    • il y a 11 ans

    Hello sir,
    please take a look at my entry #13 and let me know what do you think?

    • il y a 11 ans
  • dzsouma
    • il y a 11 ans

    I'm an Arabic girl I think I can help you more .. brb soon

    • il y a 11 ans
    1. midonageeb
      • il y a 11 ans

      hi , i'm arabian too . could i talk with you ?

      • il y a 11 ans
  • osdesigns
    • il y a 11 ans

    Please sealed the contest

    • il y a 11 ans
  • yogeshsharma89
    • il y a 11 ans

    Is html5 css design acceptable for this ? I can make few of best designs for this kind of website, please reply so I can get started, thanks.

    • il y a 11 ans
    1. newforex
      Titulaire du concours
      • il y a 11 ans

      actually we're using WordPress for this .

      • il y a 11 ans
  • wilfridosuero
    • il y a 11 ans

    is only design or programation

    • il y a 11 ans
    1. newforex
      Titulaire du concours
      • il y a 11 ans

      design only :)

      • il y a 11 ans
    2. wilfridosuero
      • il y a 11 ans

      ok perfect

      • il y a 11 ans
  • webgik
    • il y a 11 ans

    check Pm

    • il y a 11 ans

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