Create a logo for MASH - Marketplace Shopping

  • État: Closed
  • Prix: $50
  • Propositions reçues: 15
  • Gagnant: pvprajith

Résumé du concours

MASH is a soon to be born online marketplace, where sellers can create their own shop and sell their products there.
MASH is the conjunction of the words MArketplace and SHopping.
I want you to create 2 logos, an image logo and a logo with words.
I'll explain:
The image logo must be in preference in a square shape, and contain the letters MASH, like this:


You can put this inside some kind of frame or just work with the letters, it's up to you.

The words logo, should be something like this:

Marketplace Shopping

The words "Marketplace Shopping" should be smaller than MASH, and preferably not larger in lenght.

As for style, I don't have a preference. Just don't use nothing to much crazy, keep a clean and modern look, and don't use too many colors. The rest I leave to your expert hands.

I will want the images in JPG and PNG or Photoshop format, in high resolution.

If you are unclear of what I want, just say so, and we will discuss any concerns you might have.
I'm looking forward to work with you.

Now, let's get started!

Compétences recommandées

Commentaire de l'employeur

“Great work! Very good understanding of the brief, and delivered exactly what I want in the second try. Fast and easy to communicate. Would definitly hire again. ”

Image de profil jfmp79, Portugal.

Tableau de clarification publique

  • arcmphuong
    • il y a 10 ans

    Pl check #50 and give me feedback. thanks!

    • il y a 10 ans
  • SiyaNgcobo
    • il y a 10 ans

    Hi, my project was rejected. I would like to find out where I went wrong and what I can do to improve the previous one. Thanks.

    • il y a 10 ans
  • srimaddelamerced
    • il y a 10 ans

    I would like to ask if what color do you prefer?

    • il y a 10 ans
  • mrk12
    • il y a 10 ans

    would u like a simple and little 3d logo ?

    • il y a 10 ans
    1. jfmp79
      Titulaire du concours
      • il y a 10 ans

      Don't mind if you try.

      • il y a 10 ans
    2. mrk12
      • il y a 10 ans

      I uploaded after 6 hours of working :) both the logo and logo (with text) . Number # 41 ... It's in 3D ... please look and rate ... Hope you like it :)

      • il y a 10 ans
  • sergejgoof
    • il y a 10 ans

    Can it be in .cdr file format?

    • il y a 10 ans
    1. jfmp79
      Titulaire du concours
      • il y a 10 ans

      No, just the ones mentioned on the brief. Thanks.

      • il y a 10 ans
  • Busylancer
    • il y a 10 ans

    I think people stopped submitting entries when I sealed my contest. Same happened here , didn't it ?

    • il y a 10 ans
    1. jfmp79
      Titulaire du concours
      • il y a 10 ans

      No, not at all.

      • il y a 10 ans
  • ihsanhidayat
    • il y a 10 ans

    #21 feedback n rate

    • il y a 10 ans
  • shashikant24
    • il y a 10 ans

    any suggestion for #5

    • il y a 10 ans
  • jfmp79
    Titulaire du concours
    • il y a 10 ans

    Please read the brief carefully. It's not just one logo, it's two.

    • il y a 10 ans
  • blackjackops
    • il y a 10 ans

    Comment your suggestions.

    • il y a 10 ans
  • mrk12
    • il y a 10 ans

    On to it ryt now :)

    • il y a 10 ans

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