Freelancer : lilmermaaaid
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Hi! This is my design proposal and I would like to hear your feedback :) I want to meet what you are looking for as much as possible. Thank you so much, have a nice day :)

Proposition n°28 du concours                                                 Baby Shower Invite
Proposition n°28

Tableau de clarification publique

  • mariotty99
    Titulaire du concours
    • il y a 9 ans

    Hi there, good job! I like this, but because is a baby shower, I think the color should be a bit lighter blue, Also I would take out the sign, and maybe just add a constellation. Thanks for the effort

    • il y a 9 ans
    1. lilmermaaaid
      • il y a 9 ans

      great! Thanks for the feedback. I'll do the revisions right away :)

      • il y a 9 ans
    2. lilmermaaaid
      • il y a 9 ans

      What constellation would you like me to put? :)

      • il y a 9 ans